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Welcome to The Scoop!

A website for horror news, resources, and a strong focus on the indie community that makes this genre so spectacular.


Thank you for your interest in what we do! ðŸ’€ðŸ’–


The Sinister Scoop is a site to aid and promote independent horror.

Here you can find news coverage regarding your favorite horror creators including reviews, interviews, and articles.

If you are an independent horror creator yourself, you can also find information about open submission calls and editorial services.


All of us at The Scoop buy independent as often as possible. But! Sometimes your money can do a little extra good. That's why we're proud to promote sales and products for causes and creators important to the community.


There has never been a better time to support Little Ghosts Bookstore & Cafe. 


Buying indie is all well and good, but sometimes you want to feel like you're part of the experience. That's why The Sinister Scoop is now proud to feature active Kickstarters from creators and teams we trust.

Mad Axe Media is putting together an anthology entitled READINGS FROM CURSED ROOM 301 that is striving to fund better pay for contributors. Check out their Kickstarter campaign for the project here.


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