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Support Indie 

All of us at The Scoop buy independent as often as possible. But! Sometimes your money can do a little extra good. That's why we're proud to promote sales and products for causes and creators important to the community.

Highlighted Shops

Below are a few of our favorite horror creators who we know could use the extra support and business right now. These are all people/products we believe in and are happy to spotlight.

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ctrlaltcassie is one of the most vibrant and creative art shops on the internet. Get prints, designs, fandom content, and even some custom art when you visit, and help support one of our favorite indie creators.

Buy Direct

We have so many resources on this website that highlight indie presses, but we want to take this just a step further by shining a spotlight on outlets that are independently owned, and where you can purchase books outside major distribution channels.


Archive of the Odd is an independent publisher of epistolary fiction. Their shop runs through Big Cartel as opposed to a certain large book conglomerate

1578523302420.jpg is our ebook distributer of choice. All indie, with a focus on royalties being paid to authors -- all with a 5% charity opt-in.


Let's put that book-hoarding addiction to good use! Did you know that preorder campaigns are one of the most useful times to purchase indie books? Below are a couple books currently available to purchase prior to release.

Back a Project

Buying indie is all well and good, but sometimes you want to feel like you're part of the experience. That's why The Sinister Scoop is now proud to feature active Kickstarters from creators and teams we trust.


A hilarious audio podcast about all your favorite horror writers gathering around the campfire. Support the IndieGoGo campaign here to help get actors paid for a second season.

Mad Axe Media is putting together an anthology entitled READINGS FROM CURSED ROOM 301 that is striving to fund better pay for contributors. Check out their Kickstarter campaign for the project here.

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We are a small, majority queer team. Due to financial difficulties, we have realised we need help in funding the website for the next year. We're looking to cover the website fees, to hopefully bring us through 2024 and into 2025.

Charity Anthologies

The indie horror community puts together the absolute best charity anthologies. If you're looking to get some spooky books and put a little good into the world, we recommend checking out the following titles.


This is an anthology of horror written by women, about women. This anthology ranges in stories about body autonomy and reproductive rights.


Two families, four stories let the Family Feud begin. All proceeds go to Scares That Care.


Shadows in the Stacks is a new horror anthology, published in cooperation with Spirited Giving, to benefit the Library Foundation SD.

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